Check the Cliff

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nice Guy

I know I’m not perfect, and I will confess.
Most of the time, my life is a mess.
I don’t have a great body. I’m not very strong.
And when faced with a question, sometimes I am wrong.
But there’s one thing I do have, that sets me apart.
The fact that I’ll love you, with all of my heart.
So when you’re…
Tired of the assholes, tired of the dicks.
Tired of the players, and all their damn tricks.
The day you look into the mirror. And hear yourself say,
“I just want a nice guy, to come take me away.”
I’ll be right where you left me, still looking for love.
Cuz to all the girls out there…I’m just not good enough.
I don’t have a lot of money, or any bit of fame.
And all the girls around me think that I’m lame.
But it’s me that is laughing at the end of the day.
While they live their fake lives, I go my own way.
That’s what makes me different. What makes me “uncool”.
The fact that I’m unique, and not just a tool.
So when you’re…
Tired of the assholes, tired of the dicks.
Tired of the players, and all their damn tricks.
Tired of the ganstas, who think they’re tough shit.
Tired of the rich snobs who don’t know when to quit.
The day you look into the mirror. And hear yourself say,
“I just want a nice guy, to come take me away.”
I’ll be right where you left me, still looking for love.
But all who passed by me, are shit out of luck.
If you think you’re too good, for a loser like me.
I’ll be too good for you, when you are in need.
I’ll find someone out there, who at first glance,
Sees that I am amazing, if just given a chance.
Someone who will love me, for all that I am:
Just an unlucky nice guy, doing what I can.
So when you’re…
Tired of the assholes, tired of the dicks.
Tired of the players, and all their damn tricks.
Tired of the ganstas, who think they’re tough shit.
Tired of the rich snobs who don’t know when to quit.
Tired of the pain, that comes from the beaters.
Tired of the bull shit, that comes from the cheaters.
The day you look into the mirror. And hear yourself say,
“I just want a nice guy, to come take me away.”
It’ll be too late to find me, I’ll already be gone.
And all you’ll have from me, is this little song.