Check the Cliff

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Venom Pinata

Venom Pinata!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

9 Comic Book Characters that Deserve Screen Time

The Avengers have changed everything. It has shown you can take a group of superheroes the majority had never really heard of and turn it into a billion dollar movie franchise. It has shown superheroes are not fading into obscurity, and that it’s not just the comic book geeks who squeal in delight when they see the Hulk go toe to toe with Thor. With the huge success this movie has brought the comic book world, more heroes are destined to see the light of the silver screen. And who should these characters be? Well for starters…

9. Carnage
Potential Movies: Spider-Man 4, The Amazing Spider-Man 3: War of the Symbiotes
Why him?: Every Spider-Man fan knows Carnage. He is right next to Venom on a list of awesome Spider-Man enemies. Not only that, but he is spawned out of Venom, which would make for an awesome team up between Venom and Spider-Man, just like in the comics. Plus, having Carnage in a movie would give Venom a much greater role than just the villain for one movie; it would make him a reoccurring character in the trilogy, something that I’m sure no Spider-fan would be upset about.
Why it won’t happen: In order to have Carnage, you must have Venom (if not, then don’t bother). Which means setting up Venom’s character, and thus having an extra movie. While I’m sure movie goers won’t complain, movie companies might. Putting Carnage in the mix might also prompt the producers to smash both Venom and Carnage in the same movie, and look what happened last time they put a lot of villains into one movie.

8. Namor
Potential Movies: Namor the Submariner, Fantastic Four 3
Why him?: Namor has been around for awhile, fighting along Captain America in WWII, then fighting against the Fantastic Four, then teaming up, then back to being a villain, and so forth. He’s not a very deep character, but he’s arrogant, rude, and thinks himself better than everyone else, with him being the prince of Atlantis and all. Hmm…those qualities sound just like another character who has become crazy popular lately (cough Iron Man cough cough). You could even have him as the villain for a Fantastic Four movie, although I suggest rebooting the franchise because the last ones were a little…off, to put it nicely.
Why it won’t happen: Because it would most likely require the Fantastic Four, and I’m pretty sure that team is buried for the time being. Now, if Marvel could require the rights from Fox, then I would say it’s more probable. But as of now, the half naked fish prince will have to wait.

7. Apocalypse
Potential Movies: X-Men 4
Why him?: He’s one of the biggest, strongest, and most awesome enemies the X-Men have ever faced. He’s turned fellow X-Men against their teammates and loved ones, and has put the team on the ropes many times. Having him as a villain would require a multi-movie build up, but it would be one hell of a show if they could pull it off correctly.
Why it won’t happen: It would require a multi-movie build up, which they had, but ruined with the X-Men 3. Now we will have to wait to see if X-Men First Class builds enough movies and back-story to write him in. Chances are it won’t, and the First Mutant will never see his face on the big screen.

6. Deadpool
Potential Movies: Deadpool
Why him?: Well before anyone flies off to the comments saying he was in Wolverine Origins, let me state I mean the actual Deadpool character, not some cheap, mashed together rip-off who doesn’t do the original any justice. Deadpool is a mercenary who makes more jokes in one comic issue than all 3 Spider-Man movies combined. He’s funny, crude, kills things with swords, guns, explosives, and has a healing factor even better than Wolverine’s. If that doesn’t sound like a Michael Bay summer blockbuster, than I don’t know what is.
Why it won’t happen: All because they “already had him as a character.” They screwed up their chance, and now we will never see a Deadpool movie. Thanks Hollywood!

5. Teen Titans
Potential Movies: Teen Titans
Why them?: Raise your hand if you remember the Teen Titans cartoon on Cartoon Network. Chances are most of you have watched it at least once. Even greater chances are more of you have at least heard of them. Robin, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, Beast Boy; they were hilarious to watch because as teenagers, the viewers could connect with them more than they could with Superman or Batman. They had social issues along with super villains, and it was a blast to see it all play out. Making a whole movie out of it would be funny and awesome; just look at other superheroes movies with teenage heroes (Kick-Ass, Chronicle, X-Men First Class, etc.).
Why it won’t happen: Too many characters, too many backgrounds. The reason those other teenage movies worked it because the character’s backgrounds could all be summed up in little sequences. Not so with the Teen Titans, who all come from various backgrounds for various reasons. Plus it's hard enough to get a Justice League movie off the ground, let alone a teenage version of it.

4. Sentinels
Potential Movies: Any of the X-Men movies
Why them?: Sentinels are mutant hunting robots that have plagued the X-Men throughout their comic book history. Yet out of five different X-Men movies, all we got was one fake giant Sentinel in a Danger Room session. And from that, we only saw its head. I believe such a terrifying, dangerous, and persistent foe of such a popular team should get a little more recognition. Maybe not a whole movie based off them, but at least something more than a detached head.
Why it won’t happen: Like I said, you couldn’t have the Sentinels as the main enemy, not unless you include someone like Bastion, and nobody knows who he is. When making an X-Men movie, there are so many villains to choose from producers always go with the popular ones, because that’s what draws the crowds. Having Bastion as the villain would most likely require too much explanation than the movie could give without killing itself with details. You could have a regular evil scientist as the main villain, but that's no fun. Plus, the Sentinels are usually portrayed as giant robots, and although it would be awesome to watch, it is stretching the imagination to picture the movie version of Rogue going up against a 50 story robot of death.

3. Flash
Potential Movies: Flash, Justice League
Why him?: It’s the Flash. He’s just about the only popular character that has super speed, and I would be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t ever heard of him. Plus, there hasn’t really been a superhero with super speed in a movie yet (at least not one in live-action), so there shouldn’t be any reason not to make a movie for him.
Why it won’t happen: Without a Justice League movie, it doesn’t look like he’ll be running across the screen anytime soon. There’s a reason there are tons of characters that can punch through walls, but very few that can rebuild the wall just as fast. Super speed is an insanely overpowered ability, because who can stop you if you can break their necks in the blink of an eye? In order to make a Flash movie, his powers would need to be weakened, or at least limited, and where’s the fun in that? Plus, what villain could he possibly face? Gorilla Grodd? How much of a fight would it be between Flash and a talking monkey?

2. Doctor Strange
Potential Movies: Dr. Strange, Avengers 2
Why him?: Dr. Strange is the most powerful sorcerer in the marvel universe (or was, but that’s a long story, so let’s ignore it). He’s about the only major character who could have a relatable, understandable, and fun movie that hasn’t gotten one. An artifact of his has even been shown in the Thor movie in Odin’s chamber. Why he hasn’t gotten a movie yet is a mystery to me.
Why it won’t happen: Actually not really. First, not many people who don’t read comics have heard of him, so the draw from the major population won’t be as great. Second, he works in magic. In the Marvel cinematic universe, magic doesn’t exist. Anything magical is just a higher form of technology that humans don’t understand. But Dr. Strange does some clearly magical things, and trying to explain all that away with technological reasons would require a trilogy in itself. This is one character that won’t see the big screen anytime soon just because his powers, even for a movie, are just too unbelievable.

1. Wonder Woman
Potential Movies: Wonder Woman, Justice League
Why her?: She’s strong, sexy, and a woman. How many superhero movies out there have a powerful female as the lead character? None, that’s how many (screw you Elektra, you don’t count). I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t go see Wonder Woman kick some ass in a movie. Who cares if I can’t recall any of her villains? I’m sure there is someone she can knock through a wall. Who cares if in the original comics she was the Justice League’s secretary? Who cares if her costume was based off a dominatrix outfit? Use her back-story as a warrior princess, scratch the invisible plane, and you got yourself a female Conan the Barbarian goes to New York (or Metropolis, or whatever). That would make a killing!
Why it won’t happen: Maybe because Conan the Barbarian didn’t do so good at the box office. Or maybe because the rulers of the movie enterprise aren’t ready for a famous Super Heroine to grace the silver screen. Whatever the excuse, there is no reason this shouldn’t happen, and soon. Get on it Hollywood; the world is waiting for our Wonder Woman.

The Spider Queen and her Guardian

I tried some inking on this one.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Madame Husglee

Madame Husglee, a character from my book "Hellbound: Life Beyond Death"

Friday, May 11, 2012

Iron Man

Iron Man from the cover of the story arc "Ultimate Human". One of my favs.