Check the Cliff

Monday, August 23, 2010


One body, two souls
Chasing after separate goals
Different motives all around
Build it up or burn it down
I’m a battlefield that’s been deserted
My young mind has been perverted
I was used from dusk to dawn
Useless now cuz they’re all gone
Good and evil, black and white
Used my body for their fight
Now they’re dead but I’m still here
Sanity is far from near
Stuck between I’ve seen it all
The instrument used for their brawl
Told to do so many things
I’ve lost my personality
I’m Gemini and here’s the truth
There’s two inside, I’m living proof
That for all the good there is within
There’s just as much that’s pushing for sin
I’m a battlefield that’s been deserted
Battered and broken I’m all alone
My young mind has been perverted
Far from good, to evil I’m prone
I was used from dusk to dawn
From morning to night, no end to their fight
Useless now cuz they’re all gone
Twisted perception, I see the truth
Stuck between I’ve seen it all
Death, destruction, loss, and pain
The instrument used for their brawl
And in the end I’ve nothing to gain
Told to do so many things
Owned by both, a puppet on strings
I’ve lost my personality
Empty and hallow, will my soul ever sing
The masters are gone, the beast is free
The question is now: Who will save me?

Friday, August 20, 2010

5 Ways I Make Myself Happy (That You Can Do, Too!)

Aahh, you gotta love those days where you wanna tear an arm off of your coworker and beat them to death with it. Those days when even hearing a baby's laughter can make you cry. Being depressed makes the sun turn off and the birds go mute. So here are some actions I have found that lift my spirits and make me love thy neighbors once more.

5. Smile
You might think it’s the happy that comes before the smile, but you are mistaken, my friend (kinda). I want you to smile. Right now. Feel anything? Keep doing it. Chances are, if you can maintain that smile, you will feel happier. Why? It’s probably some subconscious thing that does something with the chemicals in our brain. Or it could just be that the smile comes before the happy. Either way, your day will be a tad bit brighter if you start and end the day with a smile. The whole world just seems funnier and happier when you are smiling like a fool. So smile. Now doesn’t that just make you feel a little better?

4. Hug Something
So you’re having a rough day. The customers are extra-special, your boss is extra-boss like, or you just have a case of the frowns. Either way, nothing beats a good hug when you’re feeling blue. That feeling that you’re not alone. That feeling that somebody is there for you no matter what goes down. It just can’t be beat. But what if you don’t have anyone to hug, or the people around you are anti-hug? Well, just go find the closest inanimate object to hug. Objects never object to hugs. And remember, the softer the better! All the babies are doing it, so why can’t you?

3. Daydream
Stay with me on this one. A horrible day is basically created because reality sucks. No one is arguing that. The best way to combat reality is to ignore it. Go find some place you can just space out and commence the perfect situation. While this won’t actually help your predicament, it can give you a slight boost, and allow you to cool off a bit. Cause it’s hard to be angry when anything you want is at your fingertips, and all those people that brought you down can be punished in any way your sick little mind can conceive. You want the perfect job? Done. You want to be a rock star putting on the best damn concert ever? Go for it. You want super powers? Have fun, just don’t try to fly when you snap back to reality.

2. Sing and Dance
While it’s true you might be more inclined to do this when you’re already happy, that doesn’t mean it won’t help you become happy. Go ahead and try to be angry while dancing around the room to your favorite music. It’s a lot tougher than you think. And if you don’t listen to music that can be danced to, then go find some that you can deal with. Listen to it enough, and soon you’ll love it just as much as your screamo-death metal. Dancing around gets your body moving, and takes your mind off of whatever it is that depressed you in the first place. Singing along to the music also helps if you are somewhere like a car and can’t get up and dance. Just listening to music is another option, but if you want the full effect, you will have to at least tap your foot or finger drum. Air guitars are optional but totally encouraged.

1. Laugh at Someone
As horrible as this sounds, I have never laughed at someone and found myself not in a better mood. It’s just human nature, hence why comedy has been popular since the first caveman tripped and fell on his face in front of his buddies. Nowadays, you don’t even need to sit outside waiting for some idiot to come along (although seeing it in person does add some value). The internet can deliver prime stupidity within seconds, and quicker laughs equals quicker happiness. So go ahead, laugh your ass off at someone else’s expense, because I guarantee you they will be doing it to make themselves feel better. Just make sure you can laugh at yourself, because at some point everyone else will be. Laughing at people is a vicious cycle, but it’s one that brings loads of laughs to brighten your day.

Forgot my Pen

Just had a wonderful thought but I forgot my pen
I’ll use my blood to write out what needs to be said
Would you like to hear the words of my life?
The words carved out of my bloodline?
Nobody likes the truth and there it stands
For all to see but none believe
So easy to hide in the lies
So easy to live in disguise
It’s not like me to disagree
But there’s the truth for you to see
I’m looking for the cure for monotony
Do you have it?
Can you give it?
The answer’s simple yet hard to say
Put it off until the problem goes away
Following a trend that compasses all
Dying like the blinded fools we are
Nobody likes the truth and there it stands
For all to see and some to believe
So easy to hide in the lies
So easy to live in disguise
It’s not like me to disagree
But there’s the truth and you should see
So make your mistakes and think you’re right
While some can’t sleep on through the night
Not sure where human ends and monster begins
But you’re playing a game that nobody wins
Nobody likes the truth and here it stands
For all to see and all to believe
So easy to hide in the lies
So easy to live in disguise
It’s not like me to disagree
But here’s the truth and you need to see

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Riddle Time #2: What Am I?

There is a limited amount of me
But I can make an unlimited amount of products
I tell you everything
But never speak a word
I am known across the world
And I have a few relatives
Yet whenever people see me
They only see my products
My very existence depends
On those who use and understand me
You might think I am a word or a language
But you only recognize them because of me
What am I?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

9 Blood-Boiling Actions People Do at the Drive-Thru

Fast Food Drive-Thru. It's something we all experience in life. And there should probably be a course on it in high school, especially since there seem to be so many people who don't know what the hell they are doing once they get there.

9. Not Knowing What You Want
Fast Food restaurants are not that complicated. It’s pretty much split up into a certain food theme, with very few over-lapping. If you go to McDonalds, you get a burger or chicken sandwich/fingers. KFC is chicken. Wendy’s is crap burgers. Burger King is…ok yeah you get it. So seriously, you have to have some idea of what you want, right? Is this your first time here? We know it’s not since we’ve seen you before. So then why does it take you 5 minutes to decide what you want? Did you know what you wanted, but that big bad menu board killed your confidence and now you have to look over the whole thing, just to decide on exactly what you wanted in the first place? If you don’t know what you want, here’s an idea: how about you park your car, and then walk your fat ass inside to gawk at the menu board. The drive-thru is for fast service, which doesn’t quite work when everyone ‘needs a minute’ to decide what they want.

8. Waiting until You get to the Window to Order More Food
What, you didn’t order enough? In that wave of ordering the food for the small army you have waiting at home, you forgot what you wanted, because you need something smaller/healthier than the food you’re feeding them? Did you forget a diet drink to go with that artery-clogging fried double meat-cheese-bacon-hold-the-healthy-stuff sandwich? Fine, we can do that (it won’t be with a smile), but it’s just slowing things down more, which always leads to more bitching. Just don’t let the bitching come from you.

7. Not Pulling Up Close Enough to the Window
This isn’t so much angering as it is annoying. It’s one thing to pull too close (that’s a little creepy), but if the cashier needs someone to hold their feet while they lean out the window to get your money because you parked 5 feet away, you might need some practice driving. So please, if you can’t pull your car close enough to the window to give the cashier your money without them falling out the window to get it, park in the lot (a space would be asking too much) and come inside.

6. Pulling Away from the Speaker Box Without Your Total
Ok, now you’re just being a dick. It’s our job to take your order and give you the total, because it makes it so much easier to collect the money if you know what it is and have it ready (see below for more on that). So if you pull ahead without hearing you’re total, we take it as you already know it, so we expect you to have the money ready. I mean, if that’s not true, then I will be happy to believe you do not care about money, and are willing to pay any amount of money for this food, with me adding a bit for being such a great order taker.

5. Not Having Your Money Ready When You Get to the Window
So let’s say you stayed at the speaker box to hear your total, and pulled close enough to the window to save the cashier stretch marks. Congrats! You passed level one. Now the real test. Do you have your money ready? No? Well, why the hell not? You heard your total at the speaker box. You didn’t have enough time you say? Well, if you had to wait for the person in front of you, that’s bull shit and you know it. But fine, we’ll say there was no one in front of you. You knew you were coming to a fast food drive-thru right? Shouldn’t it have clicked that eventually you would need to pay? At some point in the ordering, it’s not an impossible feat to pull your wallet out and be ready for the inevitable. Not having your money ready just slows us down, which slows you down, which you then bitch about, even though it was your fault to begin with.

4. Controlling the Volume of Your Voice
You’re not 2 years old. You have been living long enough to know how to use a basic function of life, your voice. And you know that using said voice requires you to adjust its volume every once in a while. You’re not in church anymore, old lady, you can speak above a whisper. And you, mister I-can’t-hear-anything-since-I’m-too-old, just because you can’t hear doesn’t mean you need to scream into the box. Please, I would like to maintain whatever hearing I have left, and going from having to strain to hear one order to holding the head set away from my ears for the next is slowly making me deaf.

3. Ordering from the Passenger Seat
Speaking of voice volumes, I would love to hear the reasoning behind this little phenomenon. Is the driver a mute? Or is he (I say he because it’s usually the woman ordering from the passenger seat with the man driving) to stupid to know how to do anything but drive? Why in God’s name would you think we can hear you from the passenger seat, when half the time we can’t hear you from the driver seat? I’m sure the explanation will make me want to put a gun to my head, so don’t answer. Instead, how about next time just tell the driver what you want? Or how about you drive, since apparently you have control issues if you can’t let someone order for you. One last thing, if you do this, and we can’t hear you, it’s not our fault. So if you’re the driver in this situation, please don’t yell as loud as you can into the box after the third “what?”, thinking we are the idiots.

2. Talking on Your Cell Phone
This should be a no brainer, right? I mean, you drove hear just to talk to us to get food. What happened, did you get lonely on the way here, and now you’re in such a heated debate about the meaning of life that you cannot possibly tear yourself away from your conversation for 2 minutes while you order food (you know, the whole reason you came here in the first place)? Talking on your phone causes so much confusion. Are you talking to us? Are you talking to them? Are you talking to us for them? Are you ignoring everyone and talking to yourself? And oh, here’s the icing on the cake. You pull up, and we answer you, just waiting to take your order, since taking orders is the reason for our being for 5 hours a day. And what happens? You tell us to…wait for it…Hold. On. !@&$ You son of a-

1. Not Telling Us You Have a Coupon
This is the ultimate attack the customers have against us poor fast food grunts. Let’s get one thing straight: there are a million coupons out there that you could have. There is no possible way for us to know exactly what coupon you have. So just ordering from the coupon, without telling us you have the coupon, is the most dumbshit thing you can possibly do. Well no, that’s a lie. The most dumbshit thing you can do is not tell us, then proceed to get mad when we didn’t know you had a coupon. Trust me, I would love to be able to read your mind (that’s another lie, because I’ve known dogs who are smarter than most people), but truth be told if I could do that I wouldn’t be slaving away working in the fast food business. I’d be saving the world, most likely from idiots like you.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


This is not a story. At least, not in the typical sense. In a way it is a story, in the way that you would acknowledge a happening you heard from a co-worker as a story. There doesn’t seem to be any plot, nor any climax or direction. And the only purpose evident is to try to make someone understand, besides for him. You see, many people go through life not understanding much of anything at all, and yet that seems to be a perfectly fine way of living nowadays. More people are obtaining more education, yet less seem to understand any of it. Perhaps this is not so. However, it would be hard to say otherwise.
Some may say it is not a good habit to dwell on the past, while others say we must learn from our mistakes in order to prevent future disasters. Both have proven to fail when put against human nature. The past, in life, is the only thing concrete and undeniable. What has happened has happened, and nothing will change that, and to not think of the past is impossible, and to learn from it is even harder. Some learn, which is why we are where we are, which supposedly is a good thing. But no matter how much we learn, there are still aspects to life which evade our understanding, regardless if you are an understanding person or not. It is these aspects that he thinks about the most.
He is a keeper, a thinker, but you can call him what you will. His name is not important, nor is it important what he is. What is important, however, is what he does, or in many cases what he fails to do. Life has a funny way of making some failures more important than most successes. Success, once achieved, can be repeated again and again, but failure is a chaotic and haphazard element to life, and is rarely duplicated. It is in these failures that he thrives, so much so that one can say he does not allow himself to succeed in anything, for fear that upon success, he will lose what makes him, him.
Now, as for what he does, it is not easily explained. As said before, he is a keeper; of incidents, of personalities, of all the little details that truly make a person who they are. Nobody is perfect, and it is in these flaws that he finds beauty and perfection. It is in these flaws that he seeks out what he feels is missing from his life. He is lost in every applicable meaning of the word. Blindly searching through the souls of those around him, he looks for that thing that will make him stop thinking, and start existing.
He is a thinker as well, and he does this quite well. Too well, in some opinions, but that is all a matter of perspective. Very little can happened that he has not already thought of happening, and very little brings the excitement of surprise to his spiraling mind. Of people he thinks most, and when he has found someone interesting enough, he observes and thinks, making a detailed report of who that person is. From the abandoned lover to the floating soul, he has seen all the personalities a person wishes to see in his lifetime. He has embraced them all, from the beautiful to the repulsive, and has torn them apart, piece by piece, to see how they are who they are.
He has done this for everyone he has met, including himself, and has yet to find what it is he is missing. Perhaps it is because he cannot fully analyze himself. Perhaps his file is sitting on a shelf, covered in dust, half finished and waiting for someone who can analyze and understand people the way he does to come along and finish his own report. Perhaps this person will find what he is missing, and be able to set him on his path. Or perhaps, even more likely, he is not missing anything at all. It could be, through all the dissecting of everything around him, he has lost the meaning of what it means to truly live. Being so focused on what’s around him, it could be he has forgotten who he is, and it is this revelation that will set him free. But, for now, he will have to wait. He is busy with his failures, and just like this story, he has no plot to follow, no climax to rush the emotions, and no direction through life. And his only purpose evident is to try to make someone know what it’s like to truly understand.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Isn’t it a shame how life moves us along
Never stopping and waiting to see who belongs
People come and go in the blink of an eye
Forever isn’t just impossible, it’s a lie
Please don’t say forever girl, forever’s much too far away
Let’s just hold on tight and get through tonight
I don’t wanna lie and say I’ll never leave
So don’t ask me stay and we’ll be alright
Too many lying to get what they see
Empty promises are filling the streets
I don’t want to hurt you or see you go
But don’t you want the truth? So…
Please don’t say forever girl, forever’s much too far away
Let’s just hold on tight and get through tonight
I don’t wanna lie and say I’ll never leave
So don’t ask me stay and we’ll be alright
I love you means much more than what people say
And truthfully told I want to be with you one more day
But nobody knows what the future will be
Don’t say forever girl, forever means nothing to me