Check the Cliff

Monday, August 23, 2010


One body, two souls
Chasing after separate goals
Different motives all around
Build it up or burn it down
I’m a battlefield that’s been deserted
My young mind has been perverted
I was used from dusk to dawn
Useless now cuz they’re all gone
Good and evil, black and white
Used my body for their fight
Now they’re dead but I’m still here
Sanity is far from near
Stuck between I’ve seen it all
The instrument used for their brawl
Told to do so many things
I’ve lost my personality
I’m Gemini and here’s the truth
There’s two inside, I’m living proof
That for all the good there is within
There’s just as much that’s pushing for sin
I’m a battlefield that’s been deserted
Battered and broken I’m all alone
My young mind has been perverted
Far from good, to evil I’m prone
I was used from dusk to dawn
From morning to night, no end to their fight
Useless now cuz they’re all gone
Twisted perception, I see the truth
Stuck between I’ve seen it all
Death, destruction, loss, and pain
The instrument used for their brawl
And in the end I’ve nothing to gain
Told to do so many things
Owned by both, a puppet on strings
I’ve lost my personality
Empty and hallow, will my soul ever sing
The masters are gone, the beast is free
The question is now: Who will save me?

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