Check the Cliff

Friday, August 20, 2010

5 Ways I Make Myself Happy (That You Can Do, Too!)

Aahh, you gotta love those days where you wanna tear an arm off of your coworker and beat them to death with it. Those days when even hearing a baby's laughter can make you cry. Being depressed makes the sun turn off and the birds go mute. So here are some actions I have found that lift my spirits and make me love thy neighbors once more.

5. Smile
You might think it’s the happy that comes before the smile, but you are mistaken, my friend (kinda). I want you to smile. Right now. Feel anything? Keep doing it. Chances are, if you can maintain that smile, you will feel happier. Why? It’s probably some subconscious thing that does something with the chemicals in our brain. Or it could just be that the smile comes before the happy. Either way, your day will be a tad bit brighter if you start and end the day with a smile. The whole world just seems funnier and happier when you are smiling like a fool. So smile. Now doesn’t that just make you feel a little better?

4. Hug Something
So you’re having a rough day. The customers are extra-special, your boss is extra-boss like, or you just have a case of the frowns. Either way, nothing beats a good hug when you’re feeling blue. That feeling that you’re not alone. That feeling that somebody is there for you no matter what goes down. It just can’t be beat. But what if you don’t have anyone to hug, or the people around you are anti-hug? Well, just go find the closest inanimate object to hug. Objects never object to hugs. And remember, the softer the better! All the babies are doing it, so why can’t you?

3. Daydream
Stay with me on this one. A horrible day is basically created because reality sucks. No one is arguing that. The best way to combat reality is to ignore it. Go find some place you can just space out and commence the perfect situation. While this won’t actually help your predicament, it can give you a slight boost, and allow you to cool off a bit. Cause it’s hard to be angry when anything you want is at your fingertips, and all those people that brought you down can be punished in any way your sick little mind can conceive. You want the perfect job? Done. You want to be a rock star putting on the best damn concert ever? Go for it. You want super powers? Have fun, just don’t try to fly when you snap back to reality.

2. Sing and Dance
While it’s true you might be more inclined to do this when you’re already happy, that doesn’t mean it won’t help you become happy. Go ahead and try to be angry while dancing around the room to your favorite music. It’s a lot tougher than you think. And if you don’t listen to music that can be danced to, then go find some that you can deal with. Listen to it enough, and soon you’ll love it just as much as your screamo-death metal. Dancing around gets your body moving, and takes your mind off of whatever it is that depressed you in the first place. Singing along to the music also helps if you are somewhere like a car and can’t get up and dance. Just listening to music is another option, but if you want the full effect, you will have to at least tap your foot or finger drum. Air guitars are optional but totally encouraged.

1. Laugh at Someone
As horrible as this sounds, I have never laughed at someone and found myself not in a better mood. It’s just human nature, hence why comedy has been popular since the first caveman tripped and fell on his face in front of his buddies. Nowadays, you don’t even need to sit outside waiting for some idiot to come along (although seeing it in person does add some value). The internet can deliver prime stupidity within seconds, and quicker laughs equals quicker happiness. So go ahead, laugh your ass off at someone else’s expense, because I guarantee you they will be doing it to make themselves feel better. Just make sure you can laugh at yourself, because at some point everyone else will be. Laughing at people is a vicious cycle, but it’s one that brings loads of laughs to brighten your day.

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