Check the Cliff

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bad Sign

Those words were written on a sign in all capital letters. The sign was a little wooden plank, and the words were carved into it. The sign was about at eye-level, and stood just on the edge of a cliff overlooking a barren wasteland. The ground was dirt and covered in dust as far as the eye could see. Nothing moved, not even the wind, and the air was stale and tasted dry.
“Where are we?”
A middle aged man bit his lip. It was his habit when he was nervous. He found he did it a lot, even when he wasn’t conscious about his anxiety. Everything about his life made him nervous. His nine to five, Monday through Friday office job made him nervous. His plain, ordinary personal life made him nervous. His average looking wife and average kids made him nervous. He was just a nervous man.
“Isn’t it obvious? The sign says the end of the world.”
The little red-headed girl shook her head at the nervous man. It was obvious, at least to her, but she wasn’t sure the nervous man was all that smart. He had no idea why they were all together in the first place. She didn’t either, but at least she could fake it. Plus she wasn’t nervous at all. It took a lot to make her nervous. Usually she was just excited about new opportunities. This was just another adventure for her to learn and grow from, and she loved every bit of it.
“But…this isn’t the end. The land extends further, I can see that. How can we be at the end if we can take another step?”
The nervous man bit down harder on his lip. He really just wanted to go back home. Back to his old, boring, but consistent life. Nothing excited ever happened, but he was content with the monotonous lifestyle he led. He definitely did not like being around these two people at all. The little girl was just too optimistic for his liking, and the old…man…hardly talked at all. But when he did, it just made the man even more nervous.
“I don’t think the sign means we are at a place. I think it means we are at a time.”
The little girl was always practical and logical, though much more happy than the nervous man, and especially more chipper than the old man. She looked up at the sunken dark eyes of the elder companion.
“Wouldn’t you say so, Grandpa?”
She called him Grandpa, even though she had no idea who he truly was.
The old man was more skeletal than any living person should be, and gave the impression that his body had died long ago, but his mind would not lie down to rest. He scared the nervous man, since the nervous man saw the old man as a future version of himself.
“But how did we end up here? I didn’t think we could travel through time.”
The nervous man wrung his hands together. Another nervous habit; he was very nervous now. He didn’t remember much of anything that happened lately, except what the little girl told him, which he wasn’t sure if she made up or not. This lapse of memory only made him cling to the past more.
Answering the nervous man’s question, a little worm popped out of the dirt at the base of the sign. The worm had no eyes, no ears, no mouth; it was just an ordinary worm. Yet the trio could hear the worm speak clearly.
“I can answer that for you. Are you sure that’s what you want to know?”
The three companions looked down at the worm, and then the little girl spoke. She was the first to speak to new, unusual things like this. These kinds of things scared the nervous man, but the old man remained unnerved. He had seen far too many things in his life to be startled by a talking worm.
“What else would we want to know, if I may ask?”
“Why certainly!” The worm was very polite. “There are two questions you may ask me that I must answer, but I can only answer one. After that, you are on your own.”
“What are the questions?”
The nervous man bunted in, talking loudly to make himself seem more intelligent and understanding than he really was. Nobody fell for it.
“How did we end up here? And where do we go from here? Those are the two questions I must answer. But remember! I can only answer one. So think it over carefully amongst the three of you. I can wait as long as you need.”
The three travelers huddled together to discuss their options. The nervous man wanted badly to know how they got there. He did not care to know what they need to do next; all he cared about was the present, and getting the facts straight about the past.
The little girl desperately wanted to know what to do next. She did not need to know how they got there; they were there, and nothing could change that, but knowing what to do next would be a great help.
The old man said nothing.
They talked about this for days, neither of them budging on what they wanted to do. The worm sat there listening; he had heard these arguments plenty of times before, and would hear them plenty of times more. They always ended the same way. This was no exception.
Finally, the trio had had enough. The nervous man walked away pouting, saying something about youth being wasted on the foolish. The little girl stood there crying, but eventually walked away as well; the tears still streaming down her innocent face. The old man was left alone with the worm.
“Well I’m sorry, but I can’t answer anything unless everyone is present. But you already knew that, didn’t you?”
The old man nodded his head. He had seen this many times, and each time was the same.
“Better luck next time, old chap.”
The worm buried back into the dirt, leaving the old man staring at the sign. He would not walk away. He would stay there, just as he always had, and await the arrival of the new travelers. They never remembered how they got there, but they all got there just the same.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Treasured Life

I’m an artifact of creation,
Plagued with saturation
Of confusion and doubt
That turns me to devastation.
In a moment of clarity,
Life is revealed to me
To mean much less than what I thought,
And even less than what it seems.
We live and die with no control.
And though we try to get a hold
Our lives slip further from our grip,
As we lose our minds in the abyss.
Our thoughts grow weary,
Our eyes become teary.
On our knees we start weeping
Due to the rampant power of feelings.
Life annihilates faith with ease.
Hope to the weak is only a tease.
To be happy one must do what they please,
And treat logical thought as a horrid disease.
For what is society while we live
But a barrier keeping fear within,
Stopping us from the pleasures of life,
Keeping us confined and blind to sight.
And what is society once we are dead
But a long gone thought in an empty head?
Lose all attention to the eyes of others
And society ceases its power to smother.
To live my life through desire alone
With the people as puppets for me to own,
And the world as a stage for me to show
The life that’s my duty for me to grow.
How I wish I could forget about the colored past,
And forget about the future’s shadows at last.
To live in the moment with nothing but pleasure
Would make my life an unmatchable treasure.

Damn it Feels Good to be a Gamer

Check it! Got my homies and my boys hangin’ out in my basement,
Crankin’ out some Mario Kart for the first place we’re chasin.
After that we’ll put it in and play some Super Smash Bros.
But there’s five of us here? It’s cool the loser will go.
We’ll play all night long until the sun rises.
By playing so long we might unlock some surprises!

Damn it feels good to be a gamer,
Although the girls say my life can’t get any lamer.
But they’re not the ones poppin’ caps in the asses
Of 40 year old guys who pretend to be lasses.
Oops, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend,
But I couldn’t help but notice you can’t beat level 10.
Maybe if you let me help you out for a bit,
You can see why my guild refers to me as the shit.
Give me a controller or a mouse it doesn’t matter to me,
Cuz when it comes to schooling noobs it’s like my college degree!

Put the game in and I’ll never surrender.
Back in high school all the nerds used to call me ‘Game Ender’.
I got a huge collection, want a game and I’ll lend ya.
Just be careful with the discs I don’t want you to bend ‘em.
I got a Mario and a Sonic and a Pacman and a Link
And a collector’s edition where Master Chief wears pink.

Damn it feels good to be a gamer,
Although the girls say my life can’t get any lamer.
But they’re not the ones poppin’ caps in the asses
Of 40 year old guys who pretend to be lasses.
Oops, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend,
But I couldn’t help but notice you can’t beat level 10.
Maybe if you let me help you out for a bit,
You can see why my guild refers to me as the shit.
Give me a controller or a mouse it doesn’t matter to me,
Cuz when it comes to schooling noobs it’s like my college degree!

It’s a tough life but someone’s gotta do it.
When the world needs saving, the gamers get to it.
We rescue the princesses and take out the villains,
As the minions get in our way it’s their lives we be killin’.
We hold the all records, nobody’s higher or faster.
The one goal we all have is to be the Game Master!

Damn it feels good to be a gamer,
Although the girls say my life can’t get any lamer.
But they’re not the ones poppin’ caps in the asses
Of 40 year old guys who pretend to be lasses.
This is the last time I’m spittin’ it so you better listen up!
Even though we’re weak in real life in the games we are rough!
I don’t know what else to say, any more words would just be samer,
Ain’t nothing better in this world than being a motherfuckin’ gamer!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Game of Spider and Fly

I found your picture the other day,
Your face made my heart melt away.
You never seem cross my mind,
Until I stumble upon some find.
I never notice your pull until it’s too late.
Even though you’re gone you’ve sealed my fate.
Like a fly caught up in a spider’s web,
You spun your strands and wrote my end.
You sucked me dry and threw away the shell,
Now I’m left to burn alone in this hell.
When it was all said and done,
You walked away and thought you won.
But looking back at it all from here,
The roles we played become so clear.
I needed you more than you needed me,
And I fed on your love, though weak as it be.
I danced to your tune not because I’m a slave.
I danced to your tune to get my own ways.
Like a fly caught up in a spider’s web,
I spun my strands and wrote your end.
I sucked you dry and then set your body free,
Letting you think you’re better off without me.
Realizing the truth about what we had,
You would think I would feel somewhat bad.
I drained every drop of you that I could,
Then let you escape while the timing was good.
Yet all I feel now is relief from the burden,
And comfort from the fact that you are now hurting.
With every hug we shared the webs were woven,
And every kiss I gave was filled with poison.
Cruelly I played my game of spider and fly,
Never knowing that my love for you was a lie.

Riddle Time #1: What am I?

I am formed by fire, flames from within
Then freezing temperatures, stiffen my stance
Assisting the apes, that dwell in wood and stone
Aroused from sleep, placed next to a pool
Lifted then lowered, into dark and deep
Lifted again, raised with rewards
Brought to my cave, to give up my gifts
This ritual repeated, again and again
Until the pool is empty
Return to rest, my job is done
Until the pool is full again
What am I?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nice Guy

I know I’m not perfect, and I will confess.
Most of the time, my life is a mess.
I don’t have a great body. I’m not very strong.
And when faced with a question, sometimes I am wrong.
But there’s one thing I do have, that sets me apart.
The fact that I’ll love you, with all of my heart.
So when you’re…
Tired of the assholes, tired of the dicks.
Tired of the players, and all their damn tricks.
The day you look into the mirror. And hear yourself say,
“I just want a nice guy, to come take me away.”
I’ll be right where you left me, still looking for love.
Cuz to all the girls out there…I’m just not good enough.
I don’t have a lot of money, or any bit of fame.
And all the girls around me think that I’m lame.
But it’s me that is laughing at the end of the day.
While they live their fake lives, I go my own way.
That’s what makes me different. What makes me “uncool”.
The fact that I’m unique, and not just a tool.
So when you’re…
Tired of the assholes, tired of the dicks.
Tired of the players, and all their damn tricks.
Tired of the ganstas, who think they’re tough shit.
Tired of the rich snobs who don’t know when to quit.
The day you look into the mirror. And hear yourself say,
“I just want a nice guy, to come take me away.”
I’ll be right where you left me, still looking for love.
But all who passed by me, are shit out of luck.
If you think you’re too good, for a loser like me.
I’ll be too good for you, when you are in need.
I’ll find someone out there, who at first glance,
Sees that I am amazing, if just given a chance.
Someone who will love me, for all that I am:
Just an unlucky nice guy, doing what I can.
So when you’re…
Tired of the assholes, tired of the dicks.
Tired of the players, and all their damn tricks.
Tired of the ganstas, who think they’re tough shit.
Tired of the rich snobs who don’t know when to quit.
Tired of the pain, that comes from the beaters.
Tired of the bull shit, that comes from the cheaters.
The day you look into the mirror. And hear yourself say,
“I just want a nice guy, to come take me away.”
It’ll be too late to find me, I’ll already be gone.
And all you’ll have from me, is this little song.