Check the Cliff

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Game of Spider and Fly

I found your picture the other day,
Your face made my heart melt away.
You never seem cross my mind,
Until I stumble upon some find.
I never notice your pull until it’s too late.
Even though you’re gone you’ve sealed my fate.
Like a fly caught up in a spider’s web,
You spun your strands and wrote my end.
You sucked me dry and threw away the shell,
Now I’m left to burn alone in this hell.
When it was all said and done,
You walked away and thought you won.
But looking back at it all from here,
The roles we played become so clear.
I needed you more than you needed me,
And I fed on your love, though weak as it be.
I danced to your tune not because I’m a slave.
I danced to your tune to get my own ways.
Like a fly caught up in a spider’s web,
I spun my strands and wrote your end.
I sucked you dry and then set your body free,
Letting you think you’re better off without me.
Realizing the truth about what we had,
You would think I would feel somewhat bad.
I drained every drop of you that I could,
Then let you escape while the timing was good.
Yet all I feel now is relief from the burden,
And comfort from the fact that you are now hurting.
With every hug we shared the webs were woven,
And every kiss I gave was filled with poison.
Cruelly I played my game of spider and fly,
Never knowing that my love for you was a lie.

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