Check the Cliff

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Pokemon: The Frontera Region (A Pokemon Fanfiction)

Episode 1: The Call
            “You called?” Nick stood in the doorway, dressed as he normally was on a mild sunny day, in jeans and a t-shirt with a stylized pokeball in the center. Most days in Spring City were exactly like today, with a few clouds but mainly sun and warm breeze. With the Earth’s Back Mountains to the south, the ocean to the west, and Bright Bay northwards, Spring City was the perfect location for constant mild weather year round.
            Adam took a good look at his best friend. They were the same age, but different in every other way. Nick had shaggy brown hair, was lean and of middle height with a slender face, with none of the striking features that make a man handsome, but not someone who a smart girl would turn down either. Adam on the other hand never had to worry when it came to physical appearances. He had short cropped black hair, tanned skin covering a muscular body which he took immense pride in, and chiseled features that turned heads. The differences were more than skin deep, but that’s what brought them together so close.
            “Like you weren’t going to come over today anyway? You haven’t missed my birthday since we met.” Adam gave Nick a playful punch, which brought a look from the pokemon by Nick’s feet. The Nidoran was less than a foot tall, but its huge ears added additional height, putting it at around a foot and a half. Its skin was a purplish color with darker spots here and there. Nidoran’s ears perked up, and a cheerful barking sound greeted Adam as he bent down to pet its head. “Hello to you too, Nid. Now come out back, I have a huge surprise to show you!”
            As the two young men walked through the house, Nidoran was greeted by Adam’s Herdier. The shaggy dog-like pokemon was twice the size of Nidoran, with a black blanket of fur on its back covering its brown fur underneath and lighter-colored tufts of hair on its face making a star pattern. Adam’s mother kept Herdier for protection as much as a companion, but had known Nick’s Nidoran since it was a new hatchling. The two ran off to play outside as Adam opened the back door, but all four beings stopped dead in their tracks at the sight in the back yard.
            A deep guttural sigh met the two smaller pokemon, and Herdier began growling at the strange pokmeon invading his territory. Standing at four and a half feet from ground to shoulder, eight feet long from nose to stubby little tail, and weighing in at close to a ton of solid rock and muscle, the Rhyhorn was both a frightening and awesome sight. It was gray in color, with a foot long horn on its nose and a steel-hard frill protecting its skull. A rocky ridge adorned its back, and plates of rock armor covered the rest of its body, making the pokemon resemble a walking tank. Adam walked up to it and patted its shoulder, smiling from ear to ear.
            “Well, what do you think?”
            For a moment Nick was speechless. “Where the hell did you get a Rhyhorn from? They’re endangered, you can’t even catch one in the Safari Zone, and they aren’t found anywhere else!”
            “I know!” Adam exclaimed, still smiling and laughing in joy, “It was a birthday present.”
            “From who? The champion himself?”
            “No, but close enough! You’ll never guess so I’ll just tell, my new Rhyhorn is from my dad! Can you believe it?”
            The excitement Nick was building slowly drained away. “No, seriously Adam I can’t. You haven’t seen your dad in what, ten years?”
            “Yup, he hasn’t set foot in my life since my tenth birthday when he walked out. But earlier today he just showed up on the doorstep, asking to come in and see me! It was surreal, my mom didn’t even know what to say. Then he takes me out back here and hands me a pokeball and says ‘Happy Birthday son. I know I haven’t been here for you, but there was work that needed to be done. However I’d like to change that now.’”
            “Woah that’s crazy,” Nick said, his eyes wandering back to the massive pokemon behind Adam. Nidoran had scurried back by Nick’s feet, intimidated by the size of the beast, while Herdier was circling and inspecting it with interest. “Is he still here? I’ve never even seen a picture of him.”
            Adam looked down, the smile fading. “Nah, he went in to talk to my mom and I heard her yelling at him. Next thing I know he’s gone and she’s in her bedroom with the door shut. I don’t know what’s going on between them, but I have a feeling she was perfectly happy with him gone.”
            “Damn I’m sorry man,” Nick said and walked up to put his hand on Adam’s shoulder. Before he could the Rhyhorn gave a sigh and stamped its foot, causing the ground to rumble a bit. Nick backed off quickly, but was more surprised when Nidoran ran between him and the Rhyhorn and started barking.
            “Oh hey!” Adam said, turning to his Rhyhorn, “Hey Nick’s a friend, its okay.” The Rhyhorn dipped its head as in acknowledgement and went back to actively ignoring Herdier. “Sorry about that.”
            “It’s alright,” Nick said bending down and calming Nidoran down, “he’s new and doesn’t know me. It’s only natural.”
            “True,” Adam said looking down at Nidoran, “but I’ve never seen Nidoran jump to your rescue like that! Look at him being a little tough guy.”
            “I know, it’s not normal. But I guess I’ve never been threatened by another pokemon before. It is nice knowing he’ll have my back through.”
            “Speaking of having your back, there is another thing my dad told me. He said he thinks it’s time I go out and follow in his footsteps to become a pokemon trainer.”
            “Oh wow, so that’s what he does? That’s really cool, no wonder he gave you such a strong pokemon to start with, he must really want you to succeed.”
            “Definitely, however,” Adam paused and gave Nick a devious smile, “that would mean leaving Spring City and traveling the world, seeing all the sights, battling all sorts of trainers and pokemon-”
            “-wooing all the ladies,” Nick added with a grin.
            “Yes yes, that too. But it would also mean me going out there all alone.”
            “You wouldn’t be alone, you’d have your pokemon with you.”
            “Well yeah, but I wouldn’t have any human company.”
            Nick paused and gave Adam a quizzical look. “I have a feeling I know where this is going.”
            “Oh come on Nick! It’s not like we have anything keeping us here besides our parents! We both have little part-time jobs and you can always take a break from school. Besides, your dad is a freaking gym leader! Training pokemon is in your blood!”
            “I’m not gonna lie, I’ve thought about it, but there’s a reason not many people do it. It’s insanely tough, not to mention expensive. Where are we going to get all the money for food, hotels, supplies, everything we’ll need?”
            “What are you talking about? Pokecenters provide all of that! Well except for the supplies, but we can use the money we win from battles for that.”
            “Adam, I’m sorry, but I’m not sleeping in a free pokecenter. There’s a reason they are free. I’d rather sleep outside in a tent.” No sooner did the words leave Nick’s mouth he say Adam’s face light up.
            “Perfect! We’ll camp out in the wilderness. We’ll hoof it like the original pokemon trainers back in the good ole days. Come on Nick, you know you want to come.”
            Nick sighed, looking down at Nidoran, who had his ears up to listen to everything. Even though Nidoran couldn’t understand the language, the pokemon knew when something big was brewing. Nick knew it was his dream to go out and become a powerful pokemon trainer, but his dad had always grounded him in reality, telling him of the hardships to take the shine of the glories. Nick knew the hardships ahead, but Adam…
            “You’re gonna get yourself hurt if you go out there alone, or worse.”
            Adam had another big smile on his face, which made him seem like a child once again. “I know, which is why I need you, Nick. You’re the brains to my brawns. Me and you make a perfect team. Nick, I can do this without you, but it would break my heart to do so.”
            “Ugh, you are so damn persuasive.” Nick looked up and smiled at his friend. “Alright, what the hell, let’s give it a shot. It’s not like we have to go very far to get to the first gym. My dad’s place is just a few blocks away.”

            “Absolutely not. And I don’t think Adam’s mother should let him go either.” Nick’s father Julius was not a physically imposing man, but his demeanor made people think twice about taking him on. Plus it didn’t hurt that he was an official Pokemon League Gym Leader, and acted as unofficial guardian of Spring City. Normally he was an even tempered and easygoing person, but the moment Nick returned home to tell his parents of Adam’s idea, anger took over.
            “You’re kidding, right?” Nick was very confused with his father’s answer. Being a gym leader, Nick assumed his father would have seen this day coming.
            “No I am not.”
            “Julius-” Nick’s mother put her hand on Julius’ arm, but he held firm.
            “Cecilia, you and I both know Nick is not ready for a responsibility of this magnitude. He’s still in school!”
            “College, dad, but it’s not like that’s where my interests lie.”
            “Oh and this sudden bout of interest in pokemon training has always been there, has it?
            “Well, I’m not sure about training, per se,” Nick said, looking down at Nidoran, who was nuzzled against his leg, “but you know I love spending time and exploring with Nidoran. I wanna get out there and see the world!”
            “Then you should have gone to school for geology,” Julius said gruffly. “You are not ready to be a pokemon trainer. You have no idea how hard it is out there!”
            “Yes I do!” Nick yelled back, getting angry himself. “You constantly tell me how hard it is, yet you did it, and you’re still sticking to it! Did it never occur to you that eventually your own son would want to try it too?”
            “Yes I did!” Julius yelled back, his deep voice startling the family’s Arcanine outside. “And I prepared for this day for a long time. As much as it pains me to say it, you are not ready for this.”
            We’ll see about that,” Nick said as he turned and headed out the front door.
            “Nick honey, where are you going?” Cecilia yelled out after her son.
            “I’m going to prove him wrong!” Nick yelled back, slamming the door.

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