Check the Cliff

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pokemon: The Frontera Region (A Pokemon Fanfiction)

Episode 4: Rival Battle!
            “So your gonna challenge your dad, huh?” Adam picked up a super potion, looked at the price, and put it back down.
            “Well yeah, but so are you. He gets up to ten challenges a day, even more during the summer months.” Nick was eying up the different kinds of pokeballs, and wishing he had saved up a little bit more money. Pokeballs are standard, but ultra balls would make catching pokemon much easier. “If we’re gonna be pokemon trainers, we will need to beat him.”
            “Very true,” Adam said, finally deciding on a potion to buy. “There is some crazy expensive stuff here. This full restore that costs $2,500? That’s more than I made in a week at my old job.”
            “Tell me about it. Hey how did they take your leaving?”
            “Not bad,” Adam shrugged. “They said good luck and we hope to see your name in lights one day.”
            Nick laughed. “Oh man, it sounds like they were steaming on the inside.”
            “Duh, they are stuck working at that dinky little store and I’ll be out seeing the world with pokemon by my side! Who wouldn’t be jealous?”
            “Not me! Although I’m sure I’ll eventually get tired of being your sidekick.”
            Adam put his arm around Nick’s shoulders. “Dude, we’re partners. Brains and brawns, am I right?”
            “Oh yes. But you have to admit you are a bit ahead of me so far. Two pokemon already?”
            “Hey, it’s not my fault you weren’t out with me.”
            “Yeah yeah, let’s go change that. I’m itching to add to my team.”
            The two friends finished picking out the rest of their supplies and paid quickly. Outside the Pokemart, Nidoran jumped up to see Nick from the fenced area besides the building. Nick scratched Nidoran’s head and ran to catch up to Adam, who was already halfway down the road towards Bug Buy Road.

            Starly cried out as the Weedle rammed into it with the point on its head. The twelve inch bug pokemon recoiled back, its beady black eyes staring the bird pokemon down. Starly flapped its tiny wings a bit to steady itself and prepared for Adam’s next command. Adam was thoroughly impressed; Starly had taken to his commands like a Magikarp to water.
            “Starly, use your wing attack!”
            Starly flew towards Weedle, screeching a war cry. As the bird’s wing clipped the Weedle, the pokemon was thrown back into a nearby bush, disappearing from the battle and earning Starly more experience from another win. The bird flew to Adam’s outstretched arm and he smoothed down its feathers.
            “Great fight,” Nick said coming up behind Adam. “I only caught the tail end of it though.”
            “Don’t worry, that’s always the best part. Get anything good?”
            Nick shrugged. “I can’t find anything.”
            Adam looked confused. “What do you mean? I’ve seen at least fifteen different kinds of pokemon out here so far!”
            “I’ve seen them too, its just none of them seem to be what we want.”
            “What do you mean ‘we’?”
            Nick looked down at Nidoran, who was happily scratching its ear. “Nidoran and I haven’t met a pokemon we feel would make a great addition to the team.”
            “Ahh, so you’re giving Nid a say in the matter?” Adam knelt down to Nidoran’s level. “Well then I don’t think you’ll ever catch another pokemon. Nidoran doesn’t like to share you with anyone.”
            They both laughed. “Well he’ll have to learn to share me with five other pokemon,” Nick said giving Nidoran a smile. “If I’m going to be a pokemon trainer, I’m going to strive to be the best.”
            “Well you know buddy,” Adam said standing up, “if you’re going to be the very best, than you’ll have to beat every other trainer you meet. Including me.”
            “Oh I know,” Nick grinned, “and I will in due time.”
            “Why wait?”
            “Well for one, we’ve just started and we’re nowhere near as strong as we will be in the future. Plus you’ve got that big-ass Rhyhorn on your side. You’d squish Nidoran.” Nick looked down at Nidoran’s bark. “Oh hush, I don’t wanna see you get really hurt.”
            “So how about I just use Starly? That way it’s one on one. Those are official pokemon battle rules, after all. Only use the number of pokemon as the person with the least amount.”
            “Then why would you use Starly? Why not Rhyhorn?”
            Adam gave Nidoran a devilish grin. “Cuz I don’t wanna see Nidoran get squished either.”
            While they laughed at the joke, Nick eyed up Starly. “Sure, why not? Let’s have our first battle right now. Nidoran’s ready!”
            “So is Starly!”
            The bird swooped down off Adam’s shoulder and landed in front of Nidoran. The young men stepped back, giving the pokemon ample room for their battle. Nidoran started barking at Starly, trying to intimidate the bird pokemon. Starly cried back, its noisy tune returned by wild bird pokemon in the trees.
            “Let’s get on with it, then,” Adam said. “Starly use peck!” Starly flew towards Nidoran, crying out and pecking Nidoran on the head. Nidoran barked in pain, but shook to clear its head and readied himself for Nick’s command.
            “Nidoran, use leer!” Nidoran stared Starly down, and the bird pokemon took the bait, fluffing up its feathers and lower its defense.
            “Strategy won’t win this battle, Nick!” Adam yelled, “This is straight up power! Starly, use peck again!”
            Starly struck with its sharp narrow beak again, and Nidoran jumped back this time from the force. “Shake it off Nidoran!” Nick called out, hoping Starly’s defense fell enough for the pokemon to feint quickly. “Use your poison sting!” Nidoran ran up and lunged, but Starly took to the air and the attack missed.
            “Good job Starly! It’s time to end this fight. Use your wing attack while its back is turned!” Starly swooped down and struck Nidoran with an outstretched wing. But instead of Nidoran taking the full damage of the attack, Starly flopped back in pain. The wing struck Nidoran’s spikes and injected a dose of venom into the bird pokemon, poisoning it.
            “Yes!” Nick cried, “Use your horn attack Nidoran!”
            Nidoran got to its feet and charged, driving its horn into Starly’s belly. The bird pokemon took the full force of the attack, and as Starly struggled back up it was obvious the poison was taking its toll.
            “Starly try a wing attack again!” Starly lifted off towards Nidoran, but instead of facing the incoming attack, Nidoran turned around, exposing its back spikes. Normally those spikes are soft and not dangerous, but if threatened Nidoran can stiffen the spikes and fill them with its venom. Starly changed course instantly, fearful of the poison in its veins, and avoided the spikes. As it landed on the ground, Starly stumbled and fell, the poison sapping its strength.
            “Come on Starly, get up, you can do it!” Adam yelled, desperation leaking through in his voice.
            “Adam it’s over; Starly can’t fight anymore.” Nick said, feeling sympathetic for the poor pokemon. This was probably the first time Starly was ever poisoned, and the effects happened more rapidly than usual.
            “I can’t believe it,” Adam said, returning Starly back to its pokeball. When the red light was encapsulated, Adam looked over at Nick. “Well it looks like I underestimated your Nidoran by a long shot. You won, Nick, congrats.”
            Nick smiled, letting the victory sink in. “Yeah well, Nidoran did all the fighting.” Nidoran ran over and Nick bent down to pet it.
            “I’m gonna go heal up at the pokecenter,” Adam said, “I don’t think this poison will go away on its own.”
            “I’m gonna stay here,” Nick stood back up. “I need a second pokemon, after all.”
            Adam smiled, but Nick could see him contemplating things behind it. “Alright, but when you’re ready we’ll have a real battle, and I’ll use all my power! You won’t win that time!”
            Nick laughed and extended a hand. “It’s a deal.”
            The two friends shook, and then Adam walked back towards the city. Nick watched him go, not able to keep himself from smiling. His first victory was under his belt, and it felt so good.

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